Graduated Compression Stockings 

Services > Bondi Vein Clinic

What is Graduated Compression Stockings (Class II Compression Stockings)?

The benefit of the use of compression hosiery, particularly class II graduated compression stocking (23-32 mm Hg), has been studied extensively in relation to the successful treatment of varicose and spider veins. Large-scale published studies document a reduction of the risk of deep venous thrombosis (DVT), helping the closure of treated veins. It has also been proven to reduce the risk of post thrombotic complications when used in treating DVT. Furthermore, the use of compression stockings improves the venous and lymphatic circulation of the legs.

Knee-high compression stocking on a leg.

What is Graduated Compression Stockings (Class II Compression Stockings)?

The benefit of the use of compression hosiery, particularly class II graduated compression stocking (23-32 mm Hg), has been studied extensively in relation to the successful treatment of varicose and spider veins. Large-scale published studies document a reduction of the risk of deep venous thrombosis (DVT), helping the closure of treated veins. It has also been proven to reduce the risk of post thrombotic complications when used in treating DVT. Furthermore, the use of compression stockings improves the venous and lymphatic circulation of the legs.

Knee-high compression stocking on a leg.

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